Hydrographic Surveying

Cansel is the Canadian distributor of Seafloor’s bathymetric (hydrographic) surveying solutions.
Seafloor’s solutions carry cutting edge instrumentation, ancillary hardware, and remote survey platforms designed to meet desired budget and data output parameters.
If you are involved in marine construction activities, the building of new bridges or bottom-topography surveys of retention ponds and rivers, Cansel’s Seafloor systems include technologies such as echo sounding or sonar with single-beam, multi-beam, or side-scan capabilities.
For the most accurate operation of your Seafloor USV (unmanned surface vehicle), simply combine the system with your existing RTK base station or use Can-Net, our NRTK service with over 300 base stations delivering corrections to the most populous regions of Canada.

- Bathymetric surveys
- Multi-beam surveys
- Sub-bottom profiling
- Depth of cover surveys
- Pipe Locating
- Crossing surveys
- Asset -inspection
- Tailings, brine ponds, reservoirs and borrow pit surveys
- Mapping flood plains
- Survey control network
- Construction planning / layout
- Scour / Thalweg surveys
- Monitoring surveys / Change detection
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